Information For New or Potential Customers

Choosing I/DD Services

The power is in your hands, and the choice is yours. To begin the process of obtaining Intellectual & Developmental Disability (I/DD) services (as defined in OAR 411-320-0020), you may wish to view the Choosing DD Services for Children & Adults Brochure PDF, and our page on How to Enroll in SDRI Services.

How to Enroll in SDRI Services

Developmental Disability Services

Clients (adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities defined in OAR 411-320-0020) enter the Brokerage system through Community Developmental Disability Programs (CDDPs). It is the County CDDP’s responsibility to determine whether someone is  eligible for support services. Once it has been determined that a client is eligible for support services, that client may be referred to the Brokerage system.

If you are interested in enrolling in Brokerage services, your first step should be to contact the local CDDP in your county.

For Washington County, the CDDP’s main line is (503) 846-3150 and the intake line is (503) 846-4737. Other counties will have their own intake phone numbers.

Privately Paid Services

Those individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities who are not directly eligible to receive services paid through the Support Services for Adults program may opt to pay privately (out-of-pocket) for Brokerage and support services.

For additional information, please see our Private Pay brochure.

If you wish to purchase services or if you have any additional questions, please contact our Executive Director.

Person-Centered Planning

Person Centered Planning (PCP) is a process that assists people with disabilities and their families to plan for the future. Through structured exercises focusing on the Person’s strengths and preferences, a snapshot of the Person and possibilities for the future are created.

For a brief overview of what the Person-Centered Planning process look like, see our Person Centered Planning — Creating Your Future slideshow PDF.

Individual Support Plans

Once eligible for and fully enrolled in County services and then transferred into Brokerage services, an Individual Support Plan (ISP) will be discussed and implemented with the help of your Personal Agent. For information on the support services available to be used as part of your ISP, see our Supports page.

Additional Information

For additional information on Brokerages and Support Services, see ODDS’s web pages on Services and Eligibility and Supports for Adults.