
Personal Support Workers

Once enrolled, Personal Support Workers (PSWs) must submit their hours via DHS’s eXPRS website, then print out their time sheets, and/or mileage sheets, and give them to their employer(s). Their employer(s) must approve and sign those time sheets. The approved & signed time sheets / mileage sheets must be submitted to SDRI on or before the deadline in order to be paid on the current processing cycle.

Time Sheet Standards

  • All PSW hours/miles must be entered into eXPRS, submitted to “Pending” status, and then the time sheet(s) / mileage sheet(s) must be printed and submitted for authorization.
  • All time sheets and mileage sheets must include the employer’s signature. Time sheets / mileage sheets submitted without the employer’s authorizing signature cannot be paid until a signature is obtained from the Employer of Record.
  • Time sheets should include a brief progress note on the services provided during the pay cycle and/or any progress toward goals outlined in the Plan of Care and/or Service Agreement(s).
  • Except in the case of 2:1 services, authorized on the Plan of Care, in your Service Agreement, and in eXPRS, hours cannot overlap between providers. Any time conflicts between the reported hours of different providers must be remedied before those hours can be paid.

Billing Timelines

Time sheets must arrive on or before the PSW Billing Day(s), which are listed on the PSW Billing Calendar, and may vary from month to month, in order to be processed during the current billing cycle. However, earlier submission allows time for errors to be remedied prior to the billing deadline.

Time sheets completely and accurately submitted by the Billing Day will have paychecks processed on the current cycle. Direct Deposits will be deposited on the same date as paychecks are mailed.

If a time sheet is not in by the deadline or is either incomplete or inaccurate (any deficiencies must be remedied before SDRI can process a time sheet) it may be held over for processing during the next processing cycle.


Billing Calendar

PPL PSW Billing Calendar (2019)

Progress Notes

PSW Progress Notes Toolkit
PSW Progress Notes Requirements
PSW Progress Notes Examples
PSW Progress Notes Letter

Agencies & Provider Organizations

  • As of February 1, 2019 (see Policy Transmittal APD-PT-19-003), except in the case of a few specific service categories, Agency billing in eXPRS no longer “Pends” for local authorization by the Brokerage or County Developmental Disability Program (CDDP). Once submitted, claims are paid by eXPRS / DHS.
  • Progress notes and other documentation of services are still required to be submitted to the Brokerage or CDDP within 30 days. If required documentation is not received timely, the Brokerage or CDDP may notify DHS of the failure to supply required supporting documentation.
  • It is still expected that hours of service will be reported accurately, and that services rendered will accord with the needs and goals listed on the Plan of Care and/or Service Agreement.
  • Brokerages and CDDPs no longer have the facility to void erroneous claims by Agencies. Any errors in Agency billing, requiring redress after a claim is submitted and paid, will need to be addressed with DHS / eXPRS.
  • Any conflicting hours between Agencies and Personal Support Workers (or other Agencies) will need to be resolved amongst those entities.

Methods of Delivery

Mail or in-person

You may deliver your PSW time sheets or Agency progress notes to SDRI in person. If so, please come visit us at reception.

You may also mail us your time sheets or invoices. However, please note that it may take the post office time to deliver your time sheets or invoices to us. Unfortunately, we cannot accept ‘postmarks’ as evidence of timely delivery, as parcels may be delayed in transit until well after the deadline. Time sheets and invoices must be received at SDRI on or before their respective deadlines in order to be considered timely.


You may also scan and e-mail us your time sheets, mileage, and progress notes at [email protected].


You may deliver your time sheets or invoices to SDRI via fax.

We strongly suggest that if you fax a time sheet or an invoice, you also call to confirm receipt. If you wish to call to confirm that a fax has been received, you may call our main voice line and speak to one of our office supports.

Final Responsibility for Delivery

SDRI will make every reasonable effort to keep our equipment (phone, fax, e-mail) online and our doors open during our normal hours of operation. However, final responsibility for timely delivery of time sheets and invoices to SDRI rests with the Employer of Record, PSW, or the contracted individual, or entity, respectively.

SDRI cannot pay time sheets or invoices presented after the respective deadlines until the subsequent payment cycle.

Unfortunately we cannot accept either ‘postmarks’ or third party ‘fax confirmation pages’ as proof that a fax was delivered timely. Time sheets and invoices must be physically or electronically received at SDRI by their respective deadlines in order to be considered timely.

Assitance & Training

If you are unsure how to use eXPRS to enter your time or miles, you can come in (make sure to bring your login name and password with you, as we do not have access to that information), and we will be happy to give you a brief tutorial and walk you through the process of entering your time and miles into the system.

eXPRS Questions

SDRI does not run the eXPRS website. It is run and maintained by DHS / ODDS. As such, if you are having issues relating to eXPRS, you may wish to consult eXPRS’s Help section, which has multiple documents, and even some videos, on how to navigate & use eXPRS. If you are having problems with your login / password, you should contact eXPRS, or use the Password Reset feature (SDRI does not have the capability to unlock your account or reset your password, if you have forgotten it).