The “Help Me Home” program available through Washington County’s Sherriff’s office is now up and running.
This voluntary program allows parents and caregivers to proactively provide information to the Washington County Sherriff’s office about their loved ones. This information (including a picture) would be available to not only the Washington County Sherriff’s office, but also most all local police departments in the event that their loved one is ever lost or wanders off.
There is a $20 fee for the Help Me Home program (which may be waived for those currently paying for Project Lifesaver).
If added as a Personal Emergency Response service to a client’s Individualized Support Plan (ISP), the $20 fee can be paid via their Support Plan funds. If you’re interested in adding the Help Me Home service to your ISP, please talk to your Personal Agent.
As a reminder, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office also offers Project Lifesaver.
Project Lifesaver participants will receive a plastic bracelet containing a waterproof radio transmitter. Each participant’s transmitter is assigned a radio frequency that is unique both to them and to their geographical area. The bracelets may be worn on the participant’s wrist or ankle.
There may be a required fee or donation associated with Project Lifesaver as well. But, again, if it is added as a Personal Emergency Response service to the client’s ISP, that fee or donation can be paid through Support Plan funds as well. If you are interested in adding the Project Lifesaver service to your ISP, please talk to your Personal Agent.