
To fax information to SDRI, including but not limited to provider application materials, contracts, timesheets, invoices, or requests for information, please use our main fax number first and call to confirm receipt of your fax.

Main Fax Line

(503) 292-0298

If, for some reason, you are having problems faxing to our main fax line (busy signal, faxes not completing consistently), you may try faxing to our secondary line. It is still best to call to confirm receipt of your fax, just in case.

Alternate Fax Line

(971) 250-2892

If your fax needs to be routed to a specific staff member, please either include a cover sheet with that information or write ATTN: Name conspicuously on the faxed document, where Name is the first name of the staff to whom the document should be routed.